Philosophy of Logic (W.V.Quine) 2nd Ed

The Oxford Companion to Philosophy (a 1077 page reference).pdf

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Aaron Ridley - Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Nietzshe on Art and Literature - Routledge.pdf

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Alvin Plantinga (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus) [2007].pdf

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Aristotle - Aristotle~ Nicomachean Ethics - CUP.pdf

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Aristotle~ Metaphysics Theta~ Translated with an Introduction and Commentary - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Barry Gower - Scientific Method~ A Historical and Philosophical Introduction - Routledge.pdf

Beatrice Longuenesse - Hegel`s Critique of Metaphysics.pdf

Bernard Freydberg - Imagination in Kant's Critique of Practical Reason - Indiana University Press.pdf

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BSG - Philosophy.pdf

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Catriona McKinnon - Liberalism and the Defence of Political Constructivism - Palgrave Macmillan.pdf

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Cherry M.J.(ed) The Death of Metaphysics, the Death of Culture.pdf

Christian Helmut Wenzel, Christian Wenzel - An Introduction to Kant's Aesthetics~ Core Concepts and Problems - Wiley.pdf

Christo Shields - Classical Philosophy~ A Contemporary Introduction - Routledge.pdf

Christopher Hughes - Kripke~ Names, Necessity, and Identity - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Clive Cazeaux - Metaphor and Continental Philosophy~ From Kant to Derrida - Routledge.pdf

Cohen-If You're a Egalitarian.pdf

Common Minds~ Themes from the Philosophy of Philip Pettit - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Conant, Zeglen - Hilary Putnam, Pragmatism & Realism.pdf

Contemporaries Theories of liberalism - Gaus.pdf

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Da Lloyd Thomas - Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Locke On Government - Routledge.pdf

Dana R. Villa - Arendt and Heidegger - 1995.pdf

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Daniel Shapiro - Is the Welfare State Justified.pdf

Daniele Moyal-Sharrock - Understanding Wittgenstein's On Certainty - Palgrave Macmillan.pdf

Darien Shanske - Thucydides and the Philosophical Origins of History.pdf

David C. Lamberth - William James and the Metaphysics of Experience.pdf

David Hume - An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

David O'Connor - Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Hume on Religion - Routledge.pdf

David Owens - Reason Without Freedom~ The Problem of Epistemic Normativity - Routledge.pdf

Descartes - The World and Other Writings.pdf

Descriptive psychology - Brentano.pdf

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Dudley Knowles - Political Philosophy - Routledge.pdf

Edmund Husserl - The Shorter Logical Investigations - Routledge.pdf

Eleonore Stump - Aquinas - Routledge.pdf

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Ernest Sosa - A Virtue Epistemology~ Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

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feyerabend - Realism, rationalism and scientific method - Philosophical Papers vol 1.pdf

Fictionalism in Metaphysics - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Following the rules - Heath.pdf

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From an Ontological Point of View - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

George Pattison - Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to the Later Heidegger - Routledge.pdf

Georges Dicker - Hume`s Epistemology and Metaphysics, An Introduction.pdf

Georges Dicker - Kant's Theory of Knowledge~ An Analytical Introduction - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Giles Fraser - Redeeming Nietzsche~ On the Piety of Unbelief - Routledge.pdf

Guy Robinson - Philosophy and Mystification~ A Reflection on Nonsense and Clarity - Routledge.pdf

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Hegels Phenomenology Spirit.pdf

Heideggers Being Time - Mulhall.pdf

Herman Philipse - Heidegger's Philosophy of Being - 1998.pdf

Hintikka - Socratic Epistemology.pdf

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Howard Robinson - Perception - Routledge.pdf

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Humanizing Modern Medicine.pdf

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Immanuel Kant - Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics~ That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science.pdf

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Internalism and Externalism in Semantics and Epistemology - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

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James Kirwan - Aesthetic in Kant - Continuum International Publishing Group.pdf

Jean Hampton - The Intrinsic Worth of Persons~ Contractarianism in Moral and Political Philosophy.pdf

Joanna Hodge - Heidegger and Ethics - Routledge.pdf

John Christman - Social and Political Philosophy~ A Contemporary Introduction - Routledge.pdf

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John Foster - The Immaterial Self~ A Defence of the Cartesian Dualist Conception of the Mind - Routledge.pdf

John Gray - J. S. Mill's On Liberty in Focus - Routledge.pdf

John Hawthorne - Metaphysical Essays - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

John Kekes - The Morality of Pluralism - 1993.pdf

Jorge Secada - Cartesian Metaphysics,The Late Scholastic Origins of Modern Philosophy.pdf

Joseph Mendola - Goodness and Justice.pdf

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Knowing Art Essays in Aesthetics and Epistemology.pdf

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Lloyd P. Gerson - Knowing Persons~ A Study in Plato - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Macdonald - Varieties of Things.pdf

Mari Baghramian - Relativism - Routledge.pdf

Mark Platts - Moral Realities~ An Essay in Philosophical Psychology - Routledge.pdf

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Max Kistler - Causation and Laws of Nature - Routledge.pdf

McGrew - Internalism and Epistemology (Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy) [2006].pdf

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Mendelsohn, Richard - The Philosophy of Gottlob Frege (2005) Cambridge.pdf

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Michael Bergmann - Justification without Awareness~ A Defense of Epistemic Externalism - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Michael Dummett - Thought and Reality - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Michael Huemer - Epistemology~ Contemporary Readings - Routledge.pdf

Michael Weston - Kierkegaard and Modern Continental Philosophy~ An Introduction - Routledge.pdf

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Mumford - Russell on Metaphysics.pdf

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Newman - The Correspondence Theory of Truth.pdf

Nicholas Nathan - The Price of Doubt - Routledge.pdf

Noah Lemos - Common Sense~ A Contemporary Defense.pdf

Owen J. Flanagan - The Really Hard Problem~ Meaning in a Material World - The MIT Press.pdf

Oxford Handbook Ethical Theory.pdf

Oxford Studies in Epistemology~ Volume 1 - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Oxford Studies in Epistemology~ Volume 2 Volume 2 - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

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Oxford Studies in Metaphysics~ Volume 3 - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf


Paul Horwich - From a Deflationary Point of View - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Penelope Mackie - How Things Might Have Been~ Individuals, Kinds, and Essential Properties - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Peter Mcmylor - Alasdair MacIntyre~ Critic of Modernity - Routledge.pdf

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Platos Republic 2nd ed..pdf

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Priest Graham - Towards Non-Being - The Logic and Metaphysics of Intentionality (2005).pdf

Pruss - The Principle of  Sufficient Reason.pdf

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R. Kevin Hill - Nietzsche's Critiques~ The Kantian Foundations of His Thought - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

R. M. Sainsbury - Reference without Referents - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

R.W. Sharples - Stoics, Epicureans and Sceptics~ An Introduction to Hellenistic Philosophy - Routledge.pdf

Rationality and the Good~ Critical Essays on the Ethics and Epistemology of Robert Audi - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

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Revenge of the Liar~ New Essays on the Paradox - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Richard Cross - The Metaphysics of the Incarnation~ Thomas Aquinas to Duns Scotus [2002].pdf

Richard Dean - The Value of Humanity in Kant's Moral Theory - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Richard Rorty.pdf

Robert C. Roberts, W. Jay Wood - Intellectual Virtues~ An Essay in Regulative Epistemology - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Robert Kane - A Contemporary Introduction to Free Will - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Robert Kraut - Artworld Metaphysics - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Roger Foster - Adorno~ The Recovery of Experience - State University of New York Press.pdf

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Rosanna Keefe - Theories of Vagueness (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy) [2000].pdf

Routledge Philosophy Guide to Aristotle and the Metaphysics.pdf

RPGB Wittgenstein Investigations.pdf

Ruth Weintraub - The Sceptical Challenge - Routledge.pdf

Sainsbury - Departing from Frege.pdf

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Samuel Scolnicov - Plato's ~Parmenides~ University of California Press.pdf

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Sextus Empiricus~ Against the Logicians - CUP.pdf

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Stefan Lorenz Sorgner - Metaphysics Without Truth~ On the Importance of Consistency Within Nietzsche's Philosophy - Marquette University Press.pdf

T. H. Green~ Ethics, Metaphysics, and Political Philosophy - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Tamara Horowitz - The Epistemology of A Priori Knowledge - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

Terrance W. Klein - Wittgenstein and the Metaphysics of Grace - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

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The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (Blackwell Guides to Great Works) [2006].pdf

The Cambridge Companion to Rawls - (2002).pdf

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The Metaphysics of Perception~ Wilfrid Sellars, Critical Realism and the Nature of Experience (Routledge Studies in Twentieth Century Philosophy) [2007].pdf

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The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding - (2003).pdf

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Thom Brickhouse - Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Plato and the Trial of Socrates - Routledge.pdf

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Tibor R. Machan - Classical Individualism~ The Supreme Importance of Each Human Being - Routledge.pdf

Timmermann J.- Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, A Commentary.pdf

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Tom Sorell Ltd - Scientism~ Philosophy and the Infatuation with Science - Routledge.pdf

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Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity~ Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics - Oxford University Press, USA.pdf

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